
This book is an adaptation of Project Management from Simple to Complex originally published by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, as well as Project Management by Adrienne Watt, published by BCcampus Open Education. 

In 2024, many aspects of this textbook were updated to reflect changing project management practices and the Project Management Institute’s launch of the 7th edition of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK).  The author would like to acknowledge the contribution of Juanita Woods, Scott Marshall and Louisa Schlesiger from the University of North Georgia who developed Delivering Value with Project Management. The author has incorporated their content on project management roles, project lifecycles, essential leadership skills and the project management framework. In some instances, this content was incorporated as originally written and in other cases, modifications were made.

Project Management Fundamentals: Adapted for Seneca College for use in introductory project management courses is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 Share-alike International license, except where otherwise noted.

This adaptation was sponsored by Seneca’s Open Text Adaptation Grant Program. Resources and support were also provided by the Teaching & Learning Centre at Seneca.

The author would like to acknowledge the contributions of several important individuals, whose efforts made this text possible.

Karla Murtescu, whose editorial and graphic design skills were invaluable, surpassed all expectations, and immersed herself in the text’s content.

Isaac Sethian, dearly remembered by many of his Seneca colleagues, for helping to shape the initial vision of this text.

Cawder Andrews is the author of Section 1.4, Digitization of Project Management and his enthusiasm for this text is much appreciated.


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Project Management Fundamentals Copyright © 2021 by Shelly Morris is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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