Book Title: Project Management Fundamentals
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Book Description: The primary purpose of this text is to provide an open source textbook that can be used in introductory project management courses. The objective is to develop a concise, widely applicable open source textbook that can be used in the for-profit and non-profit sectors. This text covers all aspects of the project management lifecycle. The author has intentionally left out examples from fields of practice like business, engineering and information technology in order to ensure this text has universal applicability.
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Book Description
Project management is not just for Project Managers anymore. Organizations of all shapes and sizes continue to transform the ways they innovate and deliver on their promise to continuously improve customer satisfaction levels. When an organization introduces change, they must do it right the first time. Disruption is the new normal. Succeeding in such turbulent times means organizations cannot afford to waste precious resources on failed projects. This has led to a recognition that the tools, techniques and processes associated with project management can help organizations be successful.
Project Management Fundamentals Copyright © 2021 by Shelly Morris is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Project management