
Week 6 – Network Utilities and Internet Usage in Linux

I. Introduction to scp and sftp utilities

  • Definition and overview of scp and sftp: scp (secure copy) and sftp (secure file transfer protocol) are two utilities that allow users to transfer files between computers over a network in a secure manner. They use the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol to encrypt the data being transferred, making them suitable for transferring sensitive files.
  • Basic syntax for using scp and sftp: The basic syntax for using scp is scp source destination, where the source argument specifies the file or directory to be copied, and the destination argument specifies the location to copy it to. The basic syntax for using sftp is sftp username@remote_server, which establishes an sftp connection to the remote server as the specified username.

II. Sending email from the command line

  • Introduction to sending email from the command line: There are various ways to send emails from the command line in Linux, using utilities such as mail, mailx, and mutt. These utilities allow users to send emails directly from the command line without the need for a graphical user interface (GUI) or web-based email client.

III. Command History

  • Definition and overview of command history: Command history is a feature in many Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, that allows users to access a list of previously executed commands. This can be useful for reviewing past actions, reusing previous commands, or searching for specific commands.
  • Viewing and using command history: To view the command history in Linux, you can use the history command. This will display a list of previously executed commands, along with their corresponding line numbers. To reuse a previous command, you can use the ! operator followed by the line number of the command


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