
Redirections and Read/Write to Files

Redirections of standard input, standard output and standard error

In Unix-like operating systems, standard input (stdin), standard output (stdout), and standard error (stderr) are special streams that are used by programs to communicate with the user and other programs.

Standard input (stdin) is the stream that a program uses to receive input from the user or from another program. By default, stdin is connected to the keyboard, so the user can type commands and input data directly into the terminal.

Standard output (stdout) is the stream that a program uses to write its normal output to the terminal or to another program. By default, stdout is connected to the terminal, so the output of the program is displayed on the screen.

Standard error (stderr) is the stream that a program uses to write error messages and other diagnostic output to the terminal or to another program. By default, stderr is also connected to the terminal, so the error messages of the program are displayed on the screen.

The stdin, stdout, and stderr streams can be redirected to and from files and other programs using the >, >>, and 2> redirection operators.

You can redirect the standard output (stdout) of a program to a file or to another program using the > and >> redirection operators.

The > operator is used to redirect stdout to a file, overwriting the contents of the file if it already exists. For example:

$ ls > file.txt

This command will execute the ls command and write the output to the file file.txt instead of the terminal. If the file file.txt already exists, its contents will be overwritten with the output of the ls command.

The >> operator is used to append stdout to a file, adding the output of the command to the end of the file if it already exists. For example:

$ ls >> file.txt

This command will execute the ls command and append the output to the end of the file file.txt. If the file file.txt does not exist, it will be created with the output of the ls command.

You can also redirect stdout to another program using a pipe (|). For example:

$ ls | sort

This command will execute the ls command and pipe the output to the sort command, which will sort the output and write it to stdout.

Redirection is a useful technique for directing the output of a program to a file or to another program for further processing.

Standard input (stdin) is the stream that a program uses to receive input from the user or from another program. By default, stdin is connected to the keyboard, so the user can type commands and input data directly into the terminal.

You can use the < operator to redirect stdin from a file or from another program. For example:

$ sort < file.txt

This command will execute the sort command and read its input from the file file.txt instead of the keyboard. The contents of the file will be sorted and written to stdout.

You can also use pipes (|) to redirect stdin from another program. For example:

$ cat | sort

This command will execute the cat command and pipe its output to the sort command, which will sort the input and write it to stdout.

To read stdin from the keyboard, you can use the read command in a shell script. For example:

read name echo “Hello, $name!”

This script will read a line of input from the keyboard and store it in the variable name. It will then print a message using the value of name.

Understanding how to work with stdin is an important skill for anyone working in computer science or related fields. It is often used to receive input from the user or from another program in scripts and other automated processes.

standard error (stderr) is the stream that a program uses to write error messages and other diagnostic output to the terminal or to another program. By default, stderr is also connected to the terminal, so the error messages of the program are displayed on the screen.

You can use the 2> operator to redirect stderr to a file or to another program. For example:

$ ls /does/not/exist 2> error.log

This command will execute the ls command and write any error messages to the file error.log instead of the terminal.

You can also use the &> operator to redirect both stdout and stderr to a file or to another program. For example:

$ ls /does/not/exist &> output.log

This command will execute the ls command and write both the normal output and any error messages to the file output.log instead of the terminal.

To redirect stderr to stdout, you can use the 2>&1 operator. For example:

$ ls /does/not/exist 2>&1 | sort

This command will execute the ls command, redirect stderr to stdout, and pipe the output to the sort command, which will sort the output and write it to stdout.

It is important to be aware of stderr when working with programs, as it is often used to report errors and other important diagnostic information. Redirecting stderr can be useful for capturing error messages and logging them for later analysis.

Pipe command in Redirection

A pipe is a command that allows you to redirect the output of one command to the input of another command. Pipes are represented by the | character and are used to chain together multiple commands, creating a pipeline that processes data as it flows through the commands.

Here is an example of using a pipe to chain together two commands:

$ ls | sort

This command will execute the ls command, which lists the files and directories in the current directory, and pipe the output to the sort command, which will sort the output and write it to stdout.

Pipes are useful for combining multiple commands and performing complex tasks with a single line of input. For example, you can use pipes to filter and manipulate data, search for patterns, and perform other operations on the output of a command.

You can use multiple pipes to chain together more than two commands. For example:

$ ls | grep .txt | sort -r

This command will execute the ls command, pipe the output to the grep command, which will filter the output to include only lines containing the string .txt, and then pipe the filtered output to the sort command, which will sort the output in reverse order and write it to stdout.

Pipes are an important tool in Unix-like operating systems and are commonly used in scripts and other automated processes to manipulate data and perform complex tasks.

tee command and redirection

the tee command is a utility that allows you to redirect the output of a command to multiple destinations at the same time. The tee command reads from stdin and writes the data to stdout and to one or more files or programs.

Here is an example of using the tee command:

$ ls | tee file1.txt file2.txt

This command will execute the ls command, which lists the files and directories in the current directory, and pipe the output to the tee command. The tee command will write the output to stdout and to the files file1.txt and file2.txt.

You can also use the tee command to append to a file instead of overwriting it by using the -a option. For example:

$ ls | tee -a file.txt

This command will execute the ls command and append the output to the file file.txt. If the file file.txt does not exist, it will be created with the output of the ls command.

The tee command is often used in combination with pipes to save the output of a command to a file while still allowing it to be processed by other commands. For example:

$ ls | tee file.txt | grep .txt

This command will execute the ls command, save the output to the file file.txt, and pipe the output to the grep command, which will filter the output to include only lines containing the string .txt.

The tee command is a useful tool for saving the output of a command to a file while still allowing it to be processed by other commands. It is often used in scripts and other automated processes to create log files and for other purposes.

Redirect to /dev/null

The /dev/null file is a special file that discards all data written to it. It is often used to redirect the output of a command to a null device, effectively discarding the output and preventing it from being displayed or saved.

To redirect the output of a command to /dev/null, you can use the > operator. For example:

$ ls > /dev/null

This command will execute the ls command and redirect the output to /dev/null, discarding the output and preventing it from being displayed on the terminal.

You can also use the 2> operator to redirect the standard error (stderr) output of a command to /dev/null. For example:

$ ls /does/not/exist 2> /dev/null

This command will execute the ls command and redirect any error messages to /dev/null, preventing them from being displayed on the terminal.

To redirect both stdout and stderr to /dev/null, you can use the &> operator. For example:

$ ls /does/not/exist &> /dev/null

This command will execute the ls command and redirect both the normal output and any error messages to /dev/null, preventing them from being displayed on the terminal.

Redirecting output to /dev/null is often used to suppress the output of a command or to prevent error messages from being displayed on the terminal. It can be useful in scripts and other automated processes where the output of a command is not needed.

Here document Redirection in Standard Input

a here document is a type of input redirection that allows you to pass multiple lines of text as input to a command. Here documents are commonly used in shell scripts and other automated processes to provide input to commands that expect data from stdin.

Here is an example of using a here document to pass multiple lines of text as input to the sort command:

$ sort <<EOF
> line 1
> line 2
> line 3

This command will execute the sort command and pass the three lines of text as input. The sort command will sort the input and write the sorted output to stdout.

Here documents are defined using a << operator followed by a delimiter (in this example, EOF) on a line by itself. The delimiter marks the end of the here document.

You can use variables and other shell constructs in a here document by enclosing them in double quotes (). For example:

$ cat <<EOF
> The current date is "$(date)"

This command will execute the cat command and pass a line of text containing the current date as input. The cat command will write the input to stdout.

Here documents are a convenient way to pass multiple lines of text as input to a command, and they are often used in scripts and other automated processes to provide input to commands that expect data from stdin.


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