
Bash scripting skills in Mac OS terminal

Here is a list of some common Bash commands that are available on macOS:

Command Description
alias Defines an alias for a command
bg Resumes a suspended job in the background
cd Changes the current directory
chmod Changes the permissions of a file
clear Clears the terminal screen
cp Copies a file
echo Prints a message to the console
fg Brings a background job to the foreground
grep Searches for a pattern in a file or output
kill Sends a signal to a process to terminate it
less Displays the contents of a file one page at a time
ls Lists the files in a directory
man Displays the manual page for a command
mkdir Creates a new directory
mv Moves or renames a file
ps Lists the processes running on the system
pwd Displays the current working directory
rm Deletes a file
sed Edits a file or output in a scriptable way
sort Sorts the lines of a file or output
tail Displays the last lines of a file
tee Sends output to a file and the console
top Displays the processes using the most resources
wc Counts the lines, words, and characters in a file
while Executes a command repeatedly while a condition is true
awk Processes text files and performs operations on them
cat Concatenates files and displays them on the console
cut Extracts specified fields from a file
date Displays the current date and time
diff Compares the contents of two files
echo Prints a message to the console

The Bash shell supports a wide range of commands, and the specific set of commands available to you will depend on the version of Bash and the installed software on your system. Some Bash commands may not be available on macOS due to differences in the underlying operating system and the software that is installed.

Here are a few examples of Bash commands that may not be available on macOS:

  • yum: This command is used to manage packages on systems that use the Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM) package manager, such as CentOS and Fedora. It is not available on macOS, which uses the package manager Homebrew.
  • apt-get: This command is used to manage packages on systems that use the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) package manager, such as Debian and Ubuntu. It is not available on macOS, which uses the package manager Homebrew.
  • systemctl: This command is used to manage system services on systems that use the Systemd init system, such as CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is not available on macOS, which uses the launchd init system.


Developers ultimate guide: Linux Bash scripting Copyright © 2022 by Matin Maleki. All Rights Reserved.