
This book is an adaptation of the ebook, Trends in Digital and Social Media, written by Steve Covello and published by Granite State College . Steve has graciously shared, not only this ebook, but also the resources that he used to inform the topics of the book and the ones in the classes that he teaches.

This adapted version is a work in progress by Valerie Lopes.  The content was rearranged and parts removed and edited, and it was expanded to include some Canadian context and additional chapters and examples.

The topics in this book are those discussed in the courses she teaches at Seneca College:

  • CUL145 The Digital World – Trends and Issues
  • INC300 The Web of Influence – Social Media and Professional Identity
  • INC301 The Tangled Web – Enabling Connections, Facilitating Discord.

There are many other topics that could be included in this book and hundreds of other resources.  Curating resources and activities for a book such as this is a challenge.  As issues and trends in the digital world change, the book will be updated as quickly as is humanly possible.  It will always be a work in progress.



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The Digital World - Power and Peril Copyright © by Valerie Lopes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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