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LifeWorks. Four out of ten Canadians report significant gap between culture their workplace claims to have versus their reality. https://lifeworks.com/en/news/four-out-ten-canadians-report-significant-gap-between-culture-their-workplace-claims-have

Kevin Flanagan.BestBuy. Best Buy named one of Fast Company’s Best Workplaces for Innovators. https://corporate.bestbuy.com/best-buy-named-one-of-best-workplaces-for-innovators/

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Micah Solomon. Heroic Customer Service: When Ritz-Carlton Saved Thomas The Tank Engine. https://www.forbes.com/sites/micahsolomon/2015/01/15/the-amazing-true-story-of-the-hotel-that-saved-thomas-the-tank-engine/?sh=387162e0230e

AlertMedia. 3 Examples of Companies With Great Safety Culture. https://www.alertmedia.com/blog/safety-culture-examples/

SoftStart. 4 Companies Who Nailed The New Employee Onboarding Experience. https://softstart.app/blog/best-employee-onboarding-examples/

IMD . 4 Easy Steps to Develop a Corporate Culture of Sustainability. https://www.imd.org/centers/the-center-for-sustainable-and-inclusive-business/develop-a-corporate-culture-of-sustainability/

The guide to becoming a sustainable, connected enterprise. bit.ly/3BZ4DDg

UNDP. What are the Sustainable Development Goals? bit.ly/3FU5Rki



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